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I've got it wrong!

Graham the Grumpy Gardener

Updated: Oct 26, 2022

I just knew that my feeling not too grumpy, when I saw my Handkerchief Tree in flower, couldn’t last.

A quick recap: in 2017 Mrs GG and I went to Madrid and visited the botanic gardens. I collected up seeds from beneath a huge Handkerchief Tree. Eight of the twelve seeds germinated and are now about three feet tall. Earlier this month two of them burst into lovely pink blossom.

It was the colour that should have warned me. Handkerchief Trees have white blossom not pink. I send a photograph to several friends and one, Clare Foggett who edits The English Garden magazine, came back with the news that it’s a Judas Tree. How it came to spread its seeds under a Handkerchief Tree I’ll never know.

Clare tells me that the Judas Tree (Cercis siliquastrum) is one of her favourites, so I suppose all is not lost. But I really did want a Handkerchief Tree. Hey ho. That’ll teach me to be happy!

Happy Gardening!

Graham the Grumpy Gardener



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