We have a rather elaborate netted fruit cage in the walled garden. In it, Mrs GG grows red currants, gooseberries and blackberries.
Up until recently it has been totally bird proof but this year, as soon as the red currants began taking on colour, we found three or four blackbirds inside. Ironically, as soon as they realised they are enclosed, they totally panic and forget all about eating and, more importantly for them, how they got into the cage in the first place. We have to open the door and out they fly, swearing at us as they leave.
Nothing to worry about then. Wrong.
One morning I saw a fieldfare on the lawn outside the kitchen window and told Mrs GG. She immediately ran out to her beloved fruit cage. Alas, too late. Inside was another fieldfare, a rather bloated one that had stripped one of the redcurrant bushes and was heading for the second. That was the plan until it saw a very angry Mrs GG on the warpath. Clearly fieldfares are far more laid back than blackbirds. Eying up the shouting lady, it rushed to its personal exit and immediately flew off – also swearing as it went. BIG mistake.
Mrs GG marked the failing security area and called me out to close it off. Quickly done so now the fruits are safe and the birds sit on the wall, looking longingly as those lovely berries that are totally out of reach. Ahhh.
Happy gardening
Graham the Grumpy Gardener!
